BarChart widget.


  • BaseSimpleChart
    • BarChart



animationInstances: AnimationInstance<Widget>[] = []
barPercentage: number

The percentage of the bar width in the category width.


barSets: Rect[][]

The bar sets of the BarChart.

categoryPercentage: number

The percentage of the category width in the grid width.


centerX: number
centerY: number
children: Widget[] = []

The child-widgets of the widget.

The data of the BarChart.

display: boolean = true
eventInstances: EventInstance<Widget>[] = []
fillPaint: Paint
hasSet: boolean = false
isImplemented: boolean = false
key: string = ...
last: Widget = ...
layout: ChartLayout

Layout object for the chart.

parent: Widget
plugins: WidgetPlugin[] = []
progress: number
registeredEvents: Map<string, Event<Widget>> = ...
setups: {
    generator: Generator<number | {
        animation: Animation<any>;
        duration: number;
        mode: "async" | "sync";
        params: Record<string, any>;
        setAsync: (() => { animation: Animation<any>; mode: "async" | "sync"; duration: number; params: Record<string, any>; setAsync: () => ...; setSync: () => ...; });
        setSync: (() => { animation: Animation<any>; mode: "async" | "sync"; duration: number; params: Record<string, any>; setAsync: () => ...; setSync: () => ...; });
    }, void, unknown>;
    nextFrame: number;
}[] = []

Type declaration

  • generator: Generator<number | {
        animation: Animation<any>;
        duration: number;
        mode: "async" | "sync";
        params: Record<string, any>;
        setAsync: (() => { animation: Animation<any>; mode: "async" | "sync"; duration: number; params: Record<string, any>; setAsync: () => ...; setSync: () => ...; });
        setSync: (() => { animation: Animation<any>; mode: "async" | "sync"; duration: number; params: Record<string, any>; setAsync: () => ...; setSync: () => ...; });
    }, void, unknown>
  • nextFrame: number
status: Status = 'unborn'
strokePaint: Paint

The style of the BarChart.

updates: (<T>(elapsed, widget) => void)[] = []

Type declaration

    • <T>(elapsed, widget): void
    • Type Parameters


      • elapsed: number
      • widget: T

      Returns void

x: number
y: number


  • get range(): WidgetRange
  • The range of the widget, taking into account the children, based on the parent coordinate. To be noted that this method should not be overridden.

    Returns WidgetRange

    The range of the widget.

  • get singleRange(): WidgetRange
  • The range of the widget, taking into account the children, based on the parent coordinate. To be noted that this method should not be overridden.

    Returns WidgetRange

    The range of the widget.


  • Add children widgets for the widget.


    • Rest ...children: Widget[] | ((parent) => Widget)[]

      The added children.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • animation: Animation<any>
    • startAt: number
    • duration: number
    • Optional params: Record<string, any>

    Returns this

  • Calculate the range of the widget, based on the self-coordinate. To be noted that this method should be overridden.


    • _x: number
    • _y: number

    Returns boolean

  • Calculate the range of the widget, based on the self-coordinate. To be noted that this method should be overridden.

    Returns WidgetRange

    The range of the widget.

  • Parameters

    • x: number
    • y: number

    Returns {
        x: number;
        y: number;

    • x: number
    • y: number
  • Parameters

    • x: number
    • y: number

    Returns {
        x: number;
        y: number;

    • x: number
    • y: number
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns this

  • Determine whether the point is in the widget, based on the parent coordinate. To be noted that this method should not be overridden.


    • x: number
    • y: number

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • event: string | Event<Widget>
    • effect: ((widget, ...args) => any)
        • (widget, ...args): any
        • Parameters

          • widget: Widget
          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns any

    Returns this

  • Called when the parameters are changed.


    • ck: CanvasKit

      The namespace of CanvasKit-WASM.

    • Optional propertyChanged: string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • elapsed: number
    • ck: CanvasKit

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • element: HTMLCanvasElement

    Returns void

  • Set up an update function to call it when the widget is changed.


    • updateFunc: (<T>(elapsed, widget) => void)

      The frame from having gone to current frame.

        • <T>(elapsed, widget): void
        • Type Parameters


          • elapsed: number
          • widget: T

          Returns void

    Returns this

  • Update the object according to the style of the widget. Called when the style is changed.


    • canvas: Canvas

      The canvas object of CanvasKit-WASM.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • widget: Widget
    • x: number
    • y: number

    Returns {
        x: number;
        y: number;

    • x: number
    • y: number
  • Parameters

    Returns {
        x: number;
        y: number;

    • x: number
    • y: number