options: WidgetOptionsThe child-widgets of the widget.
The range of the widget, taking into account the children, based on the parent coordinate. To be noted that this method should not be overridden.
The range of the widget.
The range of the widget, taking into account the children, based on the parent coordinate. To be noted that this method should not be overridden.
The range of the widget.
params: Record<string, any>Calculate the range of the widget, based on the self-coordinate. To be noted that this method should be overridden.
The range of the widget.
Called when the widget is registered.
The CanvasKit namespace
Preload the necessary items duration drawing. Called when the properties changed. In common, we use it to initializing Paint, Rect, Path, etc.
The namespace of CanvasKit-WASM.
The changed property of this widget
Called when the parameters are changed.
The namespace of CanvasKit-WASM.
propertyChanged: stringSet up an update function to call it when the widget is changed.
The frame from having gone to current frame.
...plugins: WidgetPlugin[]Static