LineChart style.

interface LineChartStyle {
    animateIndex?: boolean;
    antiAlias?: boolean;
    backgroundColor?: Color;
    backgroundShader?: Shader;
    blendMode?: BlendMode;
    border?: boolean;
    borderCapStyle?: StrokeCap;
    borderColor?: Color;
    borderDashInterval?: number[];
    borderDashOffset?: number;
    borderJoinStyle?: StrokeJoin;
    borderShader?: Shader;
    borderWidth?: number;
    dotSize?: number;
    layout?: Layout;
    lineWidth?: number;
    margin?: number | [number, number, number, number] | [number, number];
    rotation?: number;
    scaleX?: number;
    scaleY?: number;
    showLine?: boolean;
    tension?: number;
    transparency?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


animateIndex?: boolean


animateIndex is a boolean that represents whether to add animation to the index value of the data points in the line chart. It is optional. If not provided, the animateIndex will be false.

antiAlias?: boolean
backgroundColor?: Color


backgroundColor is a color that represents the background color of the dataUnit, which may be displayed in various forms. It is optional.

backgroundShader?: Shader


backgroundShader is a shader that represents the background shader of the dataUnit, which may be displayed in various forms. It is optional.

blendMode?: BlendMode
border?: boolean


border is a boolean that represents whether the dataUnit has a border.

borderCapStyle?: StrokeCap


borderCapStyle is a string that represents the style of the border cap. It is optional. If not provided, the borderCapStyle will be butt.

borderColor?: Color


borderColor is a color that represents the border color of the dataUnit, which may be displayed in various forms. It is optional.

borderDashInterval?: number[]


borderDashInterval is an array of numbers that represents the intervals of the dashed border. It is optional. If not provided, the borderDashInterval will be undefined.

borderDashOffset?: number


borderDashOffset is a number that represents the offset of the dashed border. It is optional. If not provided, the borderDashOffset will be 0.

borderJoinStyle?: StrokeJoin


borderJoinStyle is a string that represents the style of the border join. It is optional. If not provided, the borderJoinStyle will be miter.

borderShader?: Shader


borderShader is a shader that represents the border shader of the dataUnit, which may be displayed in various forms. It is optional.

borderWidth?: number


borderWidth is a number that represents the border width of the dataUnit, which may be displayed in various forms. It is optional.

dotSize?: number


dotSize is a number that represents the size of the dots in the line chart. It is optional. If not provided, the dotSize will be 5.

layout?: Layout
lineWidth?: number


lineWidth is a number that represents the width of the line in the line chart. It is optional. If not provided, the lineWidth will be 3.

margin?: number | [number, number, number, number] | [number, number]
rotation?: number
scaleX?: number
scaleY?: number
showLine?: boolean


showLine is a boolean that represents whether to show the line in the line chart. It is optional. If not provided, the showLine will be true.

tension?: number


tension is a number that represents the tension of the line in the line chart, which is used to create a Bézier curve. It is optional. If not provided, the tension will be 0.1.

transparency?: number